Case Study – Nice/inContact Supervisor

  • Company inContact (NICE)
  • Task Research, Prototype, Design
  • Role Lead UX Designer
Problem Statement

Supervisors in contact centers are faced with a multitude of rapidly changing data and key performance indicators (KPIs) that require quick decision-making in real-time. They have various options at their disposal to make adjustments, but determining the optimal course of action is challenging.difficult to know what is the right path.

Solution Statement

Provide the supervisor with a dedicated tool designed to predict issues, display real-time data, and guide them towards the most effective actions, all within an application compatible with both laptops and tablets.


Researching the problems with our users and the current methods they use to solve them

After engaging in discussions with several users, especially leaders overseeing different products, we uncovered a shared difficulty: ensuring agents remained attentive to essential tasks and skills. Understanding the importance of addressing this concern, I partnered with my product owner to generate ideas for improvement. These suggestions garnered enthusiastic feedback, culminating in a pitch to the executive team regarding the exploration of a new product. With their approval, we embarked on researching and strategizing for the project.

Contextual Interviews
  • Understand top challenges the supervisor is facing
  • What KPIS are most important?
  • What are supervisors graded on my their reporting manager?
  • Have supervisors train the researcher to see how they really use the product

How do they accomplish all of this in a week?

Journey Mapping
  • What does a supervisors work week look like?
  • Percentage of time spent in meetings
  • Time spent quality assurance monitoring of contacts

What sections in our product are most important for a supervisor

Card Sort
  • Prioritize navigation menus for supervisors
  • Use to create initial MVP model

Review current data to verify the amount of use

Product Review
  • Pull current data to see size of teams, most used sections, top reports used and KPIs being monitored by supervisors
  • Look for differences by industry or company size

Finalize planned MVP and begin designing and iterating


Synthesizing the data and validating the objectives

Once we felt confident in the amount of data we had gathered, we began the synthesis process to formulate the initial Minimum Viable Product (MVP) that would serve as our design and testing framework.

In the early stages, we explored 10 to 12 potential sections that we believed could be effectively integrated into our new product. After careful consideration, we strategically narrowed our focus to four core sections for the MVP, with a fifth section identified as a stretch goal.

The four main sections are:

And the stretch goal was a new product offering called Radio


Wire-framing, Prototyping, and Testing Methods

I quickly got the ball rolling by generating multiple wireframe concepts for our planned MVP. Embracing an iterative approach, we engaged with users to gather their feedback on various solutions to the challenges at hand. With each round of input, we fine-tuned the designs, advancing them into interactive prototypes and higher-resolution iterations.

Design and Validation

From Concept to Reality: Unveiling the Polished Design

Upon finalizing our plan, we seamlessly transitioned into the execution of final designs. We meticulously refined our existing designs to their ultimate iteration and seamlessly delivered them to the development phase.


Working Closely with Development

Once our designs were polished and ready, we handed them off to the development team. Because we had kept development closely engaged throughout, they were able to progress rapidly and seamlessly, encountering no surprises along the way. The initial launch received overwhelmingly positive feedback, and the product continues to be a cornerstone of NICE’s product lineup.